Pre-Production - Film Opening Movie Script 2
Section 2 of Film Opening Script 2: MORE FINAL SCENE INT/EXT. Restroom and class c191 EMMA walks to the bathroom and when she is about to open the door, she sees blood on the handle and screams and runs back to class. [Starts off with EMMA’s feet walking in the hallway, the slowly inches up] Action EMMA is walking in the direction to the restroom. EMMA receives another text from her ex-boyfriend. As she texts back, she finally reaches the bathroom and goes to grab the door but feels somethings wet. EMMA “Ew, what the heck”? She looks up from her phone to see blood in the palm of her hand [Extreme close up of Emma’s wide eyes] Emma screams and quickly runs back to class. [Setting switches back to classroom] Breathing heavily, Emma closes the door shut and puts her back again it.